
Graphics, Tables, and Images

The following images, tables, and graphics are offered free of use, courtesy of Economic Restoration. When using these for educational purposes, we kindly do ask you cite these as Economic Restoration Services. These graphics are copyrighted, and may not be used for commercial purposes.

Ballon of US economy, but add 1% of GDP for agricultural restoration, 11% of GDP for manufacturing, and over 70% of GDP for Services and Technology.

Additional Resources

John Giordanengo was recently published in MDPIs Land Journal, which was included in a special issue on sustainability: "The Foundational Components of Self-Regulating (Sustainable) Economies and Ecosystems: Implications for Green Infrastructure and Economic Restoration" - Read Here

Purchase - Ecosystems as Models for Restoring Our Economies

Download PDF - Literature Supporting Ecosystems as Models for Restoring Our Economies