
Giordanengo brings his life-long stage experience as a musician and businessowner to breathe vitality into talks on the ecological framework of sustainable economies.

John’s perspective on sustainable, resilient, circular, and self-reliant economies stems not simply from a businessowner’s mind, but from over 30 years of research. More importantly, John shapes his talks and books from decades of personal experience, applying business and ecological principles to the restoration of highly damaged systems, and from the experience of practitioners and communities from around the globe.

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  • “John delivered an actual new perspective on sustainable systems while making it relevant to our industry and region. John was highly engaging, weaving thought-provoking concepts with humor to launch our successful conference. I was impressed with John's ability to make sustainability so personal and relevant, while delivering innovative concepts."

    Liz Chapman, Executive Director, Recycle Colorado

  • "…John Giordanengo weaves these reasons and historical lessons together in a robust working theory of healthy economies, based on what he knows and communicates so well about healthy ecosystems. This is a book to share and discuss with friends, family and colleagues on your left and your right!"

    Carol Barford, Director, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

  • "John was incredibly engaging and delivered a dynamic talk about economic restoration in a way that audiences of all backgrounds understood and cared about. I left feeling motivated and inspired to get more involved…and to hold myself accountable in my community and beyond."

    Greta Cornett, Marketing Mgr. for Washington's & The Armory

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Keynote Address: Ecosystems as Models for Restoring Our Economies